rhino phil wrote:thats true to a point but this will hamstring WP8 and will crucify nokia. Who in their right mind would buy a 900/710 etc knowing the o/s is coming to a halt to be replaced.
Anyone who buys a PC/MAC/iPhone/Android handset, all OS's get upgraded and there are many Android handsets out on the market that won't get official upgrades to the next release of the OS. Those that are happy to play about will get the latest software to run but that is a tiny minority of users.
rhino phil wrote:failure to support 1080p display may come back to bite them as the quality of display and pixel density is a big selling point and I cant see taht changing any time soon in a 'retina' marketplace.
It's a phone, not a HD TV all this b0110cks with retina displays and HD support is just hardware sellers trying to find something to make you upgrade, something that makes your nice shiny six month old phone redundant in their eyes.
IPS screens are coming to the next generation of handsets for those that want it, those that don't will continue to enjoy behind the curve hardware at rock bottom prices.
Don't be fooled by the hype, Apple have one phone, they need to make it look new every 9 months or so.