Dally wrote:With Cyprus imposing a 10% tax on people's savings to help save the economy, could that happen here! Effectively, UK policy has been to do the same thing by stealth but the way things are going could it become overt policy? Could there be a run on the banks as a result of the Cypriots policy?
They are quite welcome to take 10% of my savings.
When they do then maybe they can tell me where the other 90% is because I'm unaware that there is anything left at all.
On a similar theme I have received a letter from a company called Equiniti this week advising me that I may have uncollected assets in the form of dividends or shares that I am unaware of.
The unaware bit is correct but for a small stipend they will advise me of what they are (a percentage of the takings), so the reply has gone back to them - here I come, lottery winnings time, I'm back in the money again ...
I do note that on their scale of charges they start from a finders fee of £0 for amounts under £10, so haven't ordered the Bentley just yet.
Chances are that I will OWE somebody something...