Dally wrote:Even The Guardian reports that the officer seems to have said he witnessed the events when he wasn't on duty and then it is alleged he also misled MPs. If these allegations are founded, it would appear that Mitchell may have been set up for political reasons. The fact that Labour so relentlessly pursued and hounded him on what could prove false allegations should tell the voters all they need to know about Miliband's judgment and ethics.
The Guardian tucks away its report today in a modestly sized article at the bottom of, I think, page 4. A far cry from it's pages on the subject previously. Again, tells you all you need to know about the morals of the left-leaning chattering classes mouthpiece.
Or, maybe, The Guardian has realised (as has Mitchell) that, ratrher than this off-duty chap, the issue is really about the contents of the Police log where it is recorded what Mitchell said.
Just a thought.
Your attempts to provoke are merely yawn-inducing.