easthullwesty wrote:I fly long haul return every month, sometimes twice, and have done for the past 12 years or so. Mainly China / Asia but also the States and south America. I conference when I can, but as I project lead I really need to be on the ground. I have no problems paying an extra tax, though like many of my colleagues who also fly often, I contribute to carbon offset schemes and conservation schemes. I would hate families who go on holiday once a year to see a price hike because of people like me flying as often as I do. A staggered taxation of frequent flyers taking into account aircraft type, miles covered etc would be pretty fair I think, with a certain number of miles exempt for those that travel only once.
The only way to tax flights "fairly" would be to lift the price accross the board.
I agree that this would be tough on families going on holiday once a year but, apart from offering "family tickets", any other frequent flier tax would most likely be abused, unless a levy could be linked to passports.