Cronus wrote:Perhaps we should just call it quits then, yes?
It's interesting so many are blaming the US for creating an atmosphere of war. What they forget is that in the late 80s during the Iran-Iraq war, Iran was attacking shipping in the Hormuz Straits and had mined the area, almost sinking a US frigate, which led to Operation Praying Mantis and the US decimating Iranian forces in the area. There was a rather more an atmosphere of war in those days - there actually WAS a war, a major war.
You should read the background and details of IR655. While it was a monumental fck-up, it was hardly a snap judgement, trigger-happy moment.
Watching the left has reinforced my opinion of them in the last few days. Whataboutery on an epic level.
Plane goes down: "never an accident, definitely the US."
Questions around suspicious photos: "could be anything and probably planted by the US."
Already geo-located video emerges of the missile strike: "fake, definitely fake, a US fake."
Iran admits shooting it down: "errrm well the US did the same thing 32 years ago so it's still all their fault."
And of course Jeremy Corbyn - friend of Iran as we all know - was still calling it a crash this afternoon.
American have killed close to half a million innocent people since they invaded the Middle East.