Mugwump wrote:That said, I do know he was pushing for an investigation into the very same crowd of paedophiles at Dolphin Square at least ten years before anyone in authority made the effort. And he was banging the drum about Jimmy Savile for even longer.
Can't comment on any of his other claims but he was certainly correct on those counts.
Yeah David Icke exposed big names in his book Saville, Leon Britain, Lord Mountbatten, and Ted Heath just to name a few.
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
-Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
There is no way David Icke is anything but controlled opposition. He is an agent of propaganda hired to herd dissent and people with questions towards far fetched territories such as Shape-shifting reptilian Aliens. In other words he's drip feeding truth's to reel you in then gate keeps you only then leading you to the NWO agenda ( making you believe in aliens ).
I believe David Icke is a very intelligent man, researcher but most of all a very good communicator. I think he believes too much that is told to him but is more right than people give him credit for. I saw him being interviewed on "The Project Camelot" series of youtube interviews - mostly phony's of those I have seen. I had previously seen an American predecessor , Jordan Maxwell on the same series. Apparently JM had sponsored DI in some way. DI seemed to use similiar ways of speaking about things as JM. I observed that JM spoke about having the feeling of being protected by invisible forces. DI articulated the same thing. I believe he had this, perhaps subconsciously to his "repertoire". David Icke had based his style on American style "communicators " in the same way the Beatles copied US Rock N Roll and took it back
The Main Stream Media IS the censorship machine. Everything you will ever hear through the "official channels" about the government, any politician or public figure of any kind any business or business owner, any crime or criminal or anything of any significance whatsoever gets filtered through the Main Stream Media. If they don't want you to hear about it, you won't. If you ever utter a word that wasn't on TV or state an opinion that isn't officially sanctioned, you're immediately a fruitcake ( Proven in this thread ) When you think about it, it's very simple. You will not be legitimate unless the Main Stream makes you legitimate. And anyone who is legitimate is absolutely someone you probably shouldn't trust.
So why is Icke, Alex Jones etc Gate- Keepers ? Its to drag you into believing in Aliens.And that's the NWO agenda.
Virtually every time I talk to someone about anything of a 'conspiratorial' nature, they assume that I must believe in aliens.The gate-keeper conspiracy Researcher’s push this alien nonsense. Alarm Bells to anyone talking any Alien Bullshit. There’s no doubt David Icke talks a lot of sense with certain topics but his whole agenda is to drag you in with the truth then gate keep you to believing in Shape-shifting Reptilians Aliens really exist.
Over And Out.