tigertot wrote:She tried to kill off all traces of opposition by calling a snap election. She is now desperately trying to spread the blame. Zero integrity.
With all parties (apart from the Libdems) split over Brexit, it would have been sensible to have some kind of cross party committee to agree the best way forward and try and work out what would be best for the country but, May and the Tories wanted to show just how good they were.
They should be left to self destruct.
The Uk will eventually find a new level.
It may be better than we had pre Brexit or, more likely, it may be worse but, it's what the majority of voters wanted.
The rest of us just remain grateful and bow to their superior knowledge and hope that we are led to the promised land where we can make our own laws and look after our own people and screw the rest.
On the flip side.
There is little doubt that we have given the EU27 a huge problem with funding and the Germans and French must be really happy with us.
Macron is already trying to encourage some big businesses to move across the Channel and it will be really interesting to see how many are enticed over to the EU Mainland.