
BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up
Page 13 of 77

Author:  The Ghost of '99 [ Mon Dec 20, 2021 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

RoyBoy29 wrote:Please do some research before posting utter twaddle.

Sorry you miss my point. That's what Chissy was claiming.

Author:  chissitt [ Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

Willzay wrote:He could burn Chissit’s house down and Chissit would still lick his boots.

Why would he want to burn my house down silly lad, btw how's your fixation with Nadine Dorris at the moment, I hope your thoughts are healthy ones for one as young, best to keep on the right side of your aunt Renee or else :lol:

Author:  chissitt [ Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

Scarlet Pimpernell wrote:I regret your post suggested that someone is stupid and I am lacking grey cells both are clearly insults and we know what you think of people who resort to this sort of post.
You should apply to Conservative central office because your attempt to cover up your own failures would make them proud. I would suggest you start with Raab whose virtually confirmed the photo was taken when the newspaper said plus I love the suit reasoning for it being a business meeting. I would point out that de Pfeffel’s attended an England game with a football shirt over his work shirt.

Blinky I'm not suggesting anything of the sort, I'm positive your not a full shilling, how many times have you complained on the Wakefield board about there being a hole directly above your seat at Bellevue and you getting wet every time it rains, yet all you do is sit there and whinge about it, seriously is that the action of somebody with a sound mind :UMB:

What exactly would I be applying for at the Conservative central office in my attempt to cover up my own failures which are what btw, oh and thanks for pointing out Boris attended an England game with an England shirt on I think though you've got me confused with someone what gives a toss, did you expect him to wear the shirt of the opposition team they were playing :roll: go have a lie down old boy.

Author:  Scarlet Pimpernell [ Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

It’s been two seasons since I last sat in that seat dumb dumb and I think I mentioned it twice but I could be wrong, I know this is an alien concept for you. I am not questioning that he got the correct shirt but that he wore it over his work shirt which I guess because you find this to be normal must be something you do yourself.
I would also point out that Belle Vue is two words and is in fact no longer the grounds name but I bow to your supreme intelligence because none of us are worthy to question anything you post. I would suggest you snuggle down in your comfy chair have some hot chocolate and retire to bed because we all know you get cranky when you are tired.

Author:  chissitt [ Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

Scarlet Pimpernell wrote:It’s been two seasons since I last sat in that seat dumb dumb and I think I mentioned it twice but I could be wrong, I know this is an alien concept for you. I am not questioning that he got the correct shirt but that he wore it over his work shirt which I guess because you find this to be normal must be something you do yourself.
I would also point out that Belle Vue is two words and is in fact no longer the grounds name but I bow to your supreme intelligence because none of us are worthy to question anything you post. I would suggest you snuggle down in your comfy chair..

What's an alien concept to me?
So your complaining that he put an England shirt over his work shirt, and once again your guessing that it's okay with me because you think I do it myself :lol: Jesus are you real, it's his shirt let him do what he wants with it, and fwiw there's a lot more people do the same especially this weather.
I'm quite aware what the ground is now called, but the area is called Bellevue, I doubt you'll know that as you probably don't have a spell check on your old mobile, however in the interest of harmony, I'll allow you to spell it with as many words as makes you happy and save any argument which your obviously craving for with your pettiness, your suggestion is duly noted by the way :D

Author:  Scarlet Pimpernell [ Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

I told you that you get cranky when you are tired. A further worry is that you forgot you had a dog and needed me to remind you that you had.
The question of if Jesus is real is a little philosophical for the rugby league forum but I am pretty sure whatever your religious beliefs it would be difficult to ask him or her don’t you.

Author:  TheWarringtonWolve69 [ Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

RoyBoy29 wrote:Please do some research before posting utter twaddle.

You missed his point by about 15 miles

Author:  TheWarringtonWolve69 [ Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

So to summarise the past couple of pages, Chissitt hates people throwing insults but then proceeds to throw a load of insults other posters way?

Got it

Hes obviously a tory yeah?

Author:  Superblue [ Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

Well at least the Greens have got the balls to take on Lyin Boris’s cover up :D


And no surprise the standards watchdog clears Rees Mogg of any rule breaking for not declaring his £6 million of loans :lol:
Well at least the Greens have got the balls to take on Lyin Boris’s cover up :D


And no surprise the standards watchdog clears Rees Mogg of any rule breaking for not declaring his £6 million of loans :lol:

Author:  wrencat1873 [ Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BorisGate - A Christmas Cover Up

Superblue wrote:Well at least the Greens have got the balls to take on Lyin Boris’s cover up :D


And no surprise the standards watchdog clears Rees Mogg of any rule breaking for not declaring his £6 million of loans :lol:

Is that the watchdog where Boris has the final say ?
Superblue wrote:Well at least the Greens have got the balls to take on Lyin Boris’s cover up :D


And no surprise the standards watchdog clears Rees Mogg of any rule breaking for not declaring his £6 million of loans :lol:

Is that the watchdog where Boris has the final say ?

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