Dally wrote:It is reckoned for the second time that neutrinos have been found to travel faster than the speed of light. If this really is the the case what might the ramifications be, aside from a need to redraft the "laws" of physics? Any physicists or mathematicians (or anyone else) like to have a go at suggesting something logical?
I'm on a super advanced spaceship. You're on a super advanced spaceship. We're having a super advanced spaceship duel. Let's pretend that the weapons we're using cross the distance instantaneously. The rules are that we fly for ten seconds and then shoot.
So we're flying away from each other at FTL speeds and you've counted ten seconds (fair minded person that you are) and you shoot at me. My time is dilated in your frame of reference, so when your clock says ten seconds mine says five. I become enraged and shoot back straight away, failing to count to ten seconds. Your time is dilated in my frame of reference, so when my clock says five seconds yours says 2 and a half. My shot, which is a reaction to your shot, kills you before you have fired your shot.
So the ramifications are that you're a fair minded soul who plays by the rules who is dead for being a cheating ba5tard.